Creativity is a major cross-cutting skill of the 21st century. Whether it concerns the creative process or the ways of thinking engaged by the individual, it is inscribed in the study plans and considered as central and indispensable to the development and learning of all.
This module aims to have HEP students from all fields of study and students on IN mobility at the HEP collaborate for one semester.
During a collaborative work, you will develop strategies to stimulate the creativity of your students (teaching for creativity) by developing your own creativity (teaching creatively). Different concepts and models will be presented to you by international speakers from various backgrounds. In addition, students from partner institutions will be invited to participate in this module from a distance (via zoom, etc.)
Where possible, you will try out some teaching strategies in your internship. The observations will feed into the final design of the project that will be presented to your peers.
Competencies to develop : 1, 2 and 4
In particular :
— present and adopt different points of view and concepts by referring to
theoretical frameworks,
— conduct a rigorous reflective analysis of specific aspects of his/her training
and teaching practice,
— take into account the diversity of students’ approaches by realizing a creative